North Dakota PMHCA Program Participant Enrollment
Before you complete your enrollment, we ask that you take a few minutes to review additional information about the program. If you agree with the terms listed below, you can fill out the additional information about yourself and your practice.
Program Overview
- The North Dakota PMHCA program is not a crisis referral program. Please note that this program is not designed to provide an emergency evaluation as an enrolled provider over the phone or in person. If you are treating someone in a behavioral health crisis, please utilize the nearest and most appropriate service.
- North Dakota PMHCA does not replace the need for potential referrals to psychiatric care or inpatient services when necessary.
- The Child and Adolescent psychiatrists collaborating as part of this program are not available to receive referred cases. The Child and Adolescent psychiatrist could potentially provide ongoing consultation needs through a collaborative care model approach, which involves an integrated care team. The collaborative care team comprises a mental health therapist, a licensed addiction counselor, a care coordinator, a psychiatrist, and yourself as the primary care provider.
- A child and adolescent psychiatrist will provide psychiatric consultation.
- As the primary care provider, you are encouraged to discuss your intent to seek mental health consultation with the child's caretaker before making a call to the North Dakota PMHCA program.
- Consultations are educational opportunities regarding treatment possibilities. With that in mind, North Dakota PMHCA will not request identifying information regarding the child involved in the consultation. North Dakota PMHCA will maintain HIPAA compliance and does not need personal health identifying information to render a treatment recommendation. Therefore, please do not provide information that could violate the child's confidentiality.
- If the child for whom consultation is sought is part of the collaborative care model, appropriate information releases for all parties will be on file with the collaborating facilities.